Result 1: Political leaders and decision-makers engaged directly in constructive cooperation and dialogue on issues central to Zanzibar in the 2015 election.
Activity 1.1. Forum for informal intra political party dialogue;
Activity 1.2 Conflict management, mediation, dialogue and leadership training for political party leaders;
Activity 1.3 Advisory support system in facilitating mediation, conflict management and interparty dialogue. A result of activity cluster one could be a TV aired debate where key messages are agreed on by the political parties.
Result 2: Civil society organisations with emphasis on faith-based organisations engage in dialogue facilitation and structured discussions concerning the political playing field with leaders from political parties as counter parts and eventual dialogue partners. Conflict mitigation activities are rolled out in a networked fashion creating spaces for conflict prevention.
Activity 2.1 Enhance the Joint Committee of Religious Leaders for Peace and Tranquillity in Zanzibar via strategic planning sessions;
Activity 2.2 Conflict management, mediation, dialogue and leadership training for Joint Committee members;
Activity 2.3 Community-level intra-Islamic dialogue led by the Islamic members of the Joint Committee and the Association of Imams;
Activity 2.4 As a result of the Religious Leaders Peace Building Team (drawn from the Joint Committee), community-lev meetings and the Intrafaith dialogues, a panel of Committee members will invite audience during a one-day open discussion forum that will be aired on TV. Potential participation in the 1.3 activity.
Activity 2.5 Advisory support system to the Religious Leaders Peace Building Team in facilitating interfaith meetings and intrafaith dialogue as well as media training.
Result 3: Increased capacities in conflict prevention, dialogue, and mediation in key institutions and actors with the potential for mass mobilization with particular involvement and ownership among youth wings and women’s organisations.
Activity 3.1 Conflict management, mediation, dialogue and leadership training for CSOs including youth wings and women’s organisations.
Activity 3.2 Planning sensitisation and information outreach campaign.
Activity 3.3 Mentor programme with women political leaders on conflict prevention.
Activity 3.4 Advisory support services are provided for the implementing team members of the Mobile Cinema outreach campaign, consisting of youth groups and CSO’s.
Result 4: Increased information and communication through a sensitisation and media outreach programme.
Activity 4.1 Develop a communications strategy together with and for CSO’s to disseminate information on peace initiatives.
Activity 4.2 Media-monitoring training, development of a code of conduct for journalists and media houses including their owners.
Activity 4.3 “Mobile Cinema Campaign: An African Adventure in Democracy Building”: An outreach campaign initiative developed and inspired by the award-winning film “An African Election” produced and directed by Jarreth Merz.
Activity 4.4 Establish links and forum for exchange in conflict mapping and establish an early warning mechanism, production of situation briefs.
Result 5: Establish a pool of local Conflict Management and Mediation trainers where participants are drawn from the three previous training occasions (those with most potential to tr
ain their peers during a replication scheme (cascade) covering participants drawn from all 11 districts in Zanzibar); and roll out an islands-wide training scheme, comprising eleven district offices in Zanzibar to bring new staff up to speed to ensure qualitative and homogenous knowledge and capacity base of conflict management and mediation among the central and district electoral offices as well as returning election officers.
Activity 5.1 Train the Trainer (ToT) in Leadership and Conflict Management: The training is meant to train master trainers where participants are drawn from several stakeholder groups.
Activity 5.2 Cascade Training in Leadership and Conflict Management in min 5 to max 11 (all) districts.
Result 6: Post-electoral evaluation of the performance of key stakeholders including the ZEC by regional peers, which is likely to be carried out by the regional forum ECF SADC.
Activity 6.1 Peer reviewing and post-election diagnostics exercise: In the spirit of cooperation and learning from each other, EMBs in the SADC region have developed a practice of attaching its staff to a member Commission, which is conducting an election, providing advisory services and deploying a peer review mission. In this instance sister commissions shall be supported to have their staff sent for attachment with ZEC, designate delegates to make up a Peer review and post-election diagnostic mission to Zanzibar some time after the general elections of 2015 (and possibly the Constitutional Referendum).