Zanzibar Interfaith Center (ZANZIC)
The Interfaith Center, headquartered in Zanzibar, focus their work on building bridges between people of different religions, particularly between those of various Islamic and Christian beliefs. They are involved in both national and community level dialogue working with high-level national religious leaders such as the Bishops and Sheiks and supports also the Priests, Fathers and Imans working in the local communities with often hands-on guidance and problem-solving. The Interfaith Center has established a Youth Interfaith Forum of Zanzibar (YIFOZA), which is a forum of young Muslim and Christian leaders planning and conducting interfaith activities for youth active since 2009. This makes the Interfaith Center an ideal ally in planning and implementing inter- and intrafaith dialogue activities as well as supporting activities geared towards youth groups.
Associate Focal Point
Lusungu Mbilinye
Global Network for Religions for Children (GNRC)
The GNRC is a global-scale interfaith network of organizations and individuals specifically dedicated to securing the rights and well-being of children everywhere. GNRC members come from all of the world's major religions and many other spiritual traditions. They share a commitment to making the world a place where every child can enjoy not only the right to survive, but also to thrive, making positive contributions of his or her own to a world of peace and dignity for all. We believe both prayer and action are needed to realize this vision. The GNRC was inaugurated in May 2000 by the Arigatou Foundation, an NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC of the United Nations. In 2012, the Foundation changed its name to Arigatou International, and it continues to support the GNRC today. The work of the GNRC is supported by a dedicated team at the GNRC Secretariat at Arigatou International in Nairobi but have a local field office in Zanzibar. GNRC will bring global experience in religious dialogue as well as working with a wide range of stakeholders including women and youth.
Associate Focal Point
Elisabeth Mwase
The Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation
Peace and Unity through Justice for All is the mandate within which the Foundation works in its efforts to improve the quality of people’s daily lives and build respect for human equality, integrity, freedom and work. The Foundation’s mission is dedicated service to people by distinguished performance in working with people; encouraging, supporting and facilitating their activities in the process of their capacity building and search for prosperity and progress. They are involved in both regional and national processes most notably the Burundi Peace Negotiations – formerly under the facilitation of the late Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere and later under the facilitation of HE Nelson Mandela. The Foundation was acting as a legal body and “conduit” shouldering financial and documentation responsibilities for the Burundi Peace Negotiations. Total financial resources handled for Burundi Peace Negotiations amounted to over 16 million US dollars. On a national level, the Foundation supported the CCM / CUF Reconciliation Accord in 2001. The Foundation will therefore support political dialogue-related activities and conflict management and mediation workshops on the grassroots level.
Associate Focal Point
Joseph Butiku
Association of Non-Governmental Organisations in Zanzibar (ANGOZA)
ANGOZA is an umbrella organisation comprising a wide range of non-state actors and CSO’s- It is recognised by the state and hence has developed good relationships with different sectors and institutions and agencies in the government while remaining politically impartial. During a recent event organised in the Unguja Island ANGOZA, Zanzibar Youth Forum (ZYF) as well as White Star and NGO Resource Centre, organized a policy dialogue dubbed "citizens platform" to discuss issues around good governance and poverty eradication in Zanzibar and the role of CSOs and elected officials. Against this background ANGOZA would be most suitable to carry Project activities in support of CSO’s including strategically inputs to training programmes, development of communication plans and the sensitisation campaign given their wide network across Zanzibar, Pemba and Unguia Island.
Associate Focal Point
Asha Abood
Tanzania Media Women’s Association
The Tanzania Media Women’s Association (TAMWA) is a non-profit sharing, non-governmental and non-partisan organisation registered under the Societies Ordinance dating back to 17th of November 1987. The Association in 2004 complied with the new NGO law of 2002. Tamwa has two offices in Dar -es- Salaam and Zanzibar. Currently the Association has over 100 members with a minimum qualification of Diploma in Journalism and three years work experience in the media industry. Members are working in public and private media houses as editors, reporters, programme managers, producers, public relations and communication officers. TAMWA lobbies for the increase number of women in all decision making organs to 50% including ministerial cabinet, parliament, and village councils and significant reduction in violence against women and children FGM, child marriages, rape, abandonment of women and children, denial of women inheritance rights etc. This makes TAMWA not only an ideal associate in promoting gender mainstreaming but also a valuable support to the Projects media-related activities such as media monitoring and early warning mechanisms but also support to female political leaders in communication training.
Associate Focal Point
Asha Abdi Makame