PROPEL Project Synergies


ECES is currently implementing a partially EU-funded project through the EU’s instrument for democracy and human rights (DCI-NSAPVD/2012/286-438) entitled “Preventing Electoral Violence in the SADC region”, a project in support of the SADC-ESN (herein after the PEV-SADC project). After two years of implementation, the PEV-SADC Project has generated some noteworthy lessons worth upon which this project can capitalize. The PEV-SADC Project activities are implemented in partnership with the regional civil society organisation platform, Southern African Development Community Electoral Support Network, SADC-ESN. As the title implies, the overall aim of the PEV-SADC project is to prevent election-related conflict and violence in Southern African Countries through the strengthening of the 16 civil society organisations that takes part in the SADC electoral support network.


Since the project targets the 16 civil society organisations that take part in the SADC ESN covering all 14 countries of the SADC, the proposed Project in support of a violence-free and conducive electoral process in Zanzibar will draw on the PEV-SADC’s knowledge bank on ERV related issues, experiences in working with CSO’s and a wide range of other electoral stakeholders as well as a solid pool of experts that has already a proven track-record of carrying activities relevant to the Project.


Capacity enhancing activities and targeted research is still ongoing in the frame of the PEV SADC Project and three LEAD training occasions are planned during the pre-electoral phase in Mainland, namely two occasions in Dar es Salaam and one in Arusha. These training sessions will also capitalize on the NIMD delivered nation-wide training scheme that is unfolding through out the months of August to September.


Finally, the European Parliament held a three-day long seminar on 2-4 September 2015 in Zanzibar, in collaboration with the House of Representatives and the political parties. The seminar covered topics such as political dialogue, women in political life and youth participation in electoral processes. A preparatory mission was conducted, headed by former Chief Observer MEP David Martin in June 2015 where the PROPEL Project team supported the mission in facilitating meetings with mainly non-state actors. PROPEL will be continuously involved in supporting this important event by coordinating the participant list from the civil societies and prime participants in political dialogue by holding mock-panels in a safe and supportive environment ahead of the seminars.