Guy is a dialogue process design and mediation expert. He has over 15 years experience of work on political processes including in particular advice and support to local actors in Mozambique, Swaziland, Nepal and Myanmar. Having started as an official in the Northern Ireland Office he has worked for most of his career in the EU. He was Team Leader of the EEAS Mediation Support Team 2011 - 2014 and also worked in the EU Delegation in Nepal, EU Police Mission Afghanistan and in Addis Ababa as EU adviser to the AU African Peace and Security Architecture. In the latter function, he worked on strengthening of AU and African regional organisation mediation support mechanisms. He has also been an independent consultant for UNDP and the Finnish mediation NGO 'Crisis Management Initiative'. Ensuring inclusive and participatory dialogue processes and tactics for dealing with extremists have been key themes of his work. Guy has completed training in multi-track mediation required for certification by the German Federal Association for Mediation (Bundesverband Mediation).